Yong Suk Lee

Associate Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs

Associate Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs
3171 Jenkins And Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556


Yong Suk Lee is an associate professor of technology, economy, and global affairs at the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. Lee’s research focuses on new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics in relation to labor economics, entrepreneurship, and urban economics.

His current research focuses on how artificial intelligence and robotics affect labor, and the governance and ethical issues related to these new technologies. Lee also focuses on the application of machine learning to examine socioeconomic questions such as bias, urban inequality and change, and the demand for skill. Lee’s research also examines aspects of technology education and entrepreneurship, e.g., education and mobility, and entrepreneurship and economic growth.

Prior to joining the University of Notre Dame, Lee was a faculty member at Stanford University as the SK Center Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. Prior to Stanford, he was assistant professor of economics at Williams College. He earned his PhD in economics from Brown University, a master’s degree in public policy from Duke University, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture from Seoul National University. Lee also worked as a real estate development consultant and architecture designer as he transitioned from architecture to economics.

Personal website

Recent Publications

How does information about AI regulation affect managers’ choices? (Brookings)

Does Information About AI Regulation Change Manager Evaluation of Ethical Concerns and Intent to Adopt AI? (Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization)

In Institutions We Trust? Trust in Government and the Allocation of Entrepreneurial Intentions (Organization Science)

News and Blog Posts

AI and the future of labor (Dignity & Development)