
Multidisciplinary in scope, the McKenna Center was created to engage with graduate, professional, and undergraduate students to advance corporate policies and practices worldwide that:

  • Stimulate economic growth and develop inclusive markets in societies that struggle with poverty, underemployment, and inequality.
  • Build and reinforce ethical corporate cultures characterized by integrity and a demonstrated commitment to social, economic, and environmental stewardship and sustainability.
  • Foster multi-stakeholder collaboration – among the private sector, government, universities, and nonprofit development and humanitarian organizations – to advance integral human development.


The mission of the McKenna Center is to create enduring partnerships between the private sector, governments, institutions of higher education, and professional development actors to advance sustainable development and mitigate risk to companies, vulnerable populations, and our shared environment.

Our vision is the realization of social progress and community flourishing known as integral human development. Toward this goal, we seek to advance a normative approach to development in which corporate, educational, and research sectors place the dignity of the human person and respect for the integrity of local cultures at the center of interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial efforts to reduce poverty, resolve conflict and build productive, sustainable, and inclusive economies. ‘Situated ethics’—professional practices informed by the values and priorities of the local populations—is a hallmark of integral human development and shall define the McKenna Center’s approach.

Through the strategic implementation of programs and initiatives, the McKenna Center seeks to:

  • Stimulate economic growth and develop markets in societies that struggle with poverty, underemployment, and inequality.

  • Foster collaboration among the private sector, government, universities, and nonprofit development and humanitarian organizations to advance integral human development.

  • Build and reinforce corporate cultures characterized by integrity, responsible stewardship, and environmental sustainability.



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Andrew J. McKenna Sr., a University of Notre Dame alumnus and emeritus chairman of the Board of Trustees, made a leadership gift to his alma mater for the establishment of the Andrew J. and Joan P. McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business.


A member of Notre Dame’s Board of Trustees since 1980, McKenna served as vice chair from 1986 to 1992 and chair from 1992 to 2000. He holds honorary degrees from Notre Dame and St. Xavier University and was Notre Dame’s Laetare Medalist in 2000.