Seeking to understand the critical role of global business in reducing poverty and inequality.

The McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business at the University of Notre Dame is well-positioned to assist corporate, public sector, and civil society leaders in managing the transition into a new global normative reality.  Notre Dame has been a leader among universities in the field of corporate social responsibility and business ethics for the last three decades.

The Keough School, with its focus on “integral human development,” will offer the perspective needed to assist these key actors in determining how best to expand their businesses while yielding positive development outcomes within the markets in which they operate.

The McKenna Center is part of the Keough School of Global Affairs, advancing integral human development through research, policy, and practice.

Ray Offenheiser


Ray Offenheiser

A widely known nonprofit leader and innovator with a broad range of international development experience in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Ray Offenheiser served as president of Oxfam America for 20 years. Under his leadership, the agency grew eightfold and repositioned itself in the United States as an influential voice on international development, human rights and governance, humanitarianism, and foreign assistance.

Ray Offenheiser’s Profile

Meet Our Faculty

Our Staff & Faculty
Person Michael Morris 19

Michael Morris

Fellow, Pulte Institute for Global Develpmt


Yong Suk Lee

Associate Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs

Susan McDonald

Susan McDonald

Program Manager, Human Development & Global Business

Mckenna Gppe

Global Partnership for Poverty and Entrepreneurship

The Global Partnership for Poverty and Entrepreneurship provides a dynamic platform to share resources related to venture creation by the poor.


Urban Poverty and Business Initiative

The Urban Poverty and Business Initiative promotes programs across the country which serve to help the poor start and grow businesses of their own.

Baton Rouge

Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship

This is a forum for the dissemination of descriptive, empirical, and theoretical research that focuses on issues concerning microenterprise and small business development, especially under conditions of adversity.

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Student Opportunities

Learn more about the new Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor as well as the experiential learning opportunities, internships, and graduate student fellowships offered through the McKenna Center.